Strong Like A Mutha

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Cardio Options for When You Hate Cardio!

This is something we get asked about a LOT! When most of us think of improving our heart and lung health we might think of things like running or some sort of super intense HIIT class and whilst those things are great if you like them…what do you do if you don’t? 

The World Health Organization recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise at least 5 times per week. Now when I say that to people I often see their jaw drop.. “I don’t have time for that on top of everything else!” is normally what they say but the truth is that if you are a fairly active person it’s likely you are in fact already getting that and the reason you think you are not is because of how you frame your idea of “cardio”! 

Moderate intensity cardio is defined as movement that is between 46% and 76% of your max heart rate, so if you think about it that way there are a LOT of options to keep your heart and lungs strong and healthy as well as look after the agility and longevity of your incredible body!

1 - Weightlifting

Contrary to popular belief lifting weights does in fact challenge your heart and lungs, so if you love to lift do that! I hate boot camps/interval training or anything of that style but I love lifting weights and so when I want to increase the cardio in my training I take a couple of my fave movements in the gym, do them under lighter load with higher reps and less rest and it brings me joy rather than makes me feel like I’m punishing myself with something I hate! 

2 - Kitchen Dance Party

Ok it doesn’t have to be in the kitchen but dancing isn’t only a heart raiser, it can be an amazing stress reliever and if you bang on your fave tunes and dance like no one is watching it’ll bring you joy too! If you love to dance in groups there are loads of amazing dance classes for adults that you can get your groove on in! 

3 - Explore Scotland (or wherever you live)

Getting outside and walking is THE most underrated cardio exercise but it’s one that I swear by. I really don’t love high intensity cardio but I could walk forever and if I’m lucky enough to be in nature whilst doing it then I’m not only getting all the CV benefits but I also get loads of benefits for my mental wellbeing too! 

4 - Borrow a bike

The amazing thing about most of the big cities in the UK now is that there are plenty of community bikes for hire! If you want to get more activity in but walking/running feels too challenging then a bike is your friend and you don’t even need to buy your own! If you’re nervous about riding a bike check out Women on Wheels who are on a mission to empower women to feel confident cycling! 

5 - Take part in Team sessions/events

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it forever - exercise is easier when you are having fun and what’s more fun than taking part in something with folks who are good eggs? There are SO many team sports and events that you can get involved in as well as some brilliant community gyms you can join! At SLAM we have regular conditioning classes and Team workouts that are included in our Small Group Personal Training Memberships, people regularly tell us that they normally hate conditioning classes and didn’t realize they could actually enjoy them when the tunes are good and the vibes are high! (if this is speaking to you then we have a couple of spaces left in our SGPT trials, you’ll get 4 weeks of unlimited access for just £99 with no contract or obligation to sign up after!) 

That’s my starter for you, there are LOADS of ways to get your cardio in that don’t include burpees(although I do enjoy a burpee), as soon as you start reframing your idea of what counts you might realize that you are way more active than you thought or that cardio is way more accessible than you knew! 

I’d love to know your thoughts and faves!