Strong Like A Mutha

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Things To Do When You Feel Triggered

The world can feel heavy right now. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, angry, upset, numb… I see you. This isn’t an easy time to be living in.

Please note that you are not alone, it’s all hard sometimes and maybe some of these words might help.

I am not a therapist. If you are feeling overwhelmed in a way that is uncontrollable, your thoughts are getting darker or you would like support processing your feelings, please reach out to a professional. You are not broken in doing so.

Allow yourself to feel without guilt or shame

Our feelings are valid, however they come up. No one gets to tell you how to experience them.

Take time away from social media

A constant stream of information is not good for us and blue light does us harm - take a break. It’ll still be there when you are ready to go back and I promise you’ll feel better for it.

Get outside or in water

Being either outside or in water are incredibly soothing, especially if you find yourself ruminating or stuck in a social media hole.

Journal your thoughts

Your thoughts might be overwhelming - getting them out on paper or creating voice notes/recordings can help you process your emotions.

Reach out to your safe circle

Bear in mind they might be struggling too. Some people like to talk it out, some don’t. Make sure you check in first. “I’m struggling, do you have space for me to talk about it?” gives the other person the option to dive in if they have the capacity without dropping an emotional bomb that gives them no choice but to engage.

Set your boundaries

Whatever they need to be for you. It’s ok to say no if someone asks you to do something.

Move your body

Some light exercise can help with mood and I’d highly recommend dancing it out. Throw on some tunes and do what feels good.

Speak to a professional

Reaching out to someone objective with the tools and expertise to help you understand and process what’s coming up for you does not mean you are weak or broken, it means you are ready to do what you need to support yourself.

Sending love and wishes full of warmth and light.