Strong Like A Mutha

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Is She Really A B*tch?

Is she really intimidating or are you intimidated?

Is she really rude or are you expecting her to people please and calling it “being nice”

Is she really taking advantage or have you been saying yes when you mean no?

Is she really copying you? Or does your internalised misogyny have you resenting her as competition?

Wisdom from my therapist - no one can make you feel anything. That’s all you babe.

In this world, that teaches us that other women are our competition, it’s so easy to project our feelings of resentment, jealousy and comparison onto others. It’s waaaaayyy easier to think “she’s just a bitch” than to face those tricky feelings and unpack your own shit.

I don’t say this from a place of self-righteousness, I’m not immune to this stuff but I am aware of it and even though it makes me squirm - I’m working hard on facing that mirror, asking myself “what am I really feeling here?”

Taking responsibility for my own feelings often means facing some really hard truths but it goes a long way toward shedding the wounding and messaging that teaches me not to trust, love and offer compassion to my sisters.

What we think about others says way more about us than it does about them and I'm here for the deep connection and healing for self and others that leaning into that brings.

So next time you find yourself labelling someone I’d challenge you to sit with, what’s really making you feel that way? Maybe the person is being an ass but it’s also possible that they are reflecting something back at you that you’re unhappy with or challenged by and uncovering that will lead you waaayyy closer to happiness than harbouring those feelings of anger and resentment ✌🏻

If you’re struggling with jealousy and resentment, check out our blog on jealousy and how to combat it here.