Strong Like A Mutha

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LGBTQ+ Stories - Diane Jones

“Discovering parts of me I didn’t understand has given me the freedom to explore more to see what else I can uncover.”

Diane is self-love coach, a mum of 3, and an all-round incredible human being. One of the instant things you notice about Diane is the incredibly big and beautiful heart she has, her kindness, compassion, and love for supporting others shines so bright that you cannot help be encaptivated and held by its glow. Thank you Diane fro sharing your Pride and joy with us.

What would you love people to know about your experience as an LGBTQ+ person? 

I met my partner four years ago. It was the first time I had ever been on a date with a girl! I was so nervous, I thought I would throw up.. I started to overthink the whole dating etiquette.

Is this different from dating a guy?

How do I act?

What do I say?

It was actually the most relaxed I've ever been and I found it so easy to be myself. I realized I was thinking and acting based on everything I had taken in from the world and once I started following my inner guidance, my heart, my feelings. It felt so effortless.

I’m so glad I listened to myself and what I wanted to explore. As I got to know her I realise I'd fallen in love. We complement each other so well we are so different character-wise but so aligned in our values. I realize now that she was exactly who I had envisioned when I was picturing my future partner.

I was a bit skeptical about sharing my relationship with the world as this is my first experience as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and I was fearing the worst treatment possible from everyone I met. I was fearing looks from other people, disapproving attitudes, the judgment. Almost Like it was wrong, but I realize that was just conditioning and I didn't dwell too much on that. I have done enough work on myself to know that however I see myself and what I perceive other people would view me as is exactly what would happen so I decided to be as proud as I was to be out in the world with my partner, my supportive, beautiful strong partner. I received nothing but love and support since we've been out and about I'm so proud of who I am I'm proud of our relationship. I'm proud of the family unit we have together.

We'd love to hear about your LGBTQ+ joy, what does that mean to you?

My LGBTQIA+ joy means authentically expressing yourself exactly how you want and being unapologetic about it. For me, this means holding my partner’s hand in public or giving her a kiss because it feels right and we both want to. It means teaching my children that whoever you choose to be with, as long as they make your heart sing, they’re a goodie! It means feeling safe and secure, together and apart; dancing, laughing, and singing.

If you could see one thing changed in our world, what would it be? 

More love. There is so much fear and it’s the root of all bad decisions made in this world. Try to see the good before the bad.

When are you at your happiest? 

When I’m with my loves and when sun is kissing my skin.

When do you feel most alive? 

I feel alive when I’m creating something (mainly art) that started out as an idea in my head. To visualise something and see it coming to fruition really gets me excited. We can create anything we set our minds to! Isn’t that incredible?

Any final thoughts?

I feel like we need to be more of ourselves. Discovering parts of me I didn’t understand has given me the freedom to explore more to see what else I can uncover. I think so many of us live in this umbrella of safety through fear of getting wet if we choose to explore. Get out of the umbrella, get wet! You’ll discover your skin is actual waterproof; and it was always going to dry off in time.

I hope you enjoyed sharing Diane’s Pride and joy as much as I did, I’m leaving the editing of this blog with a huge smile on my face and forever grateful for the diverse and exciting world we live in, here’s to the day all humans are free to love and be loved as exactly who they are.

If you’d love to connect with Diane you can

Check out her website