Strong Like A Mutha

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Our Lock-down Teachers - Jenny

During lock-down we are running our gym virtually. Meet our coaches and join in the classes. We are here to uplift you and be your community,

Jenny Clark - Yoga

What is your speciality?
My background and experience within yoga is varied and I love being able to draw on different elements to create a class for what’s really needed, that might include therapeutic elements, mobility, strength building, creative sequencing, breathwork, mindfulness or meditation.

What way do you like to move the most?
(Yoga, pilates, dog walks etc) When I’m not on a yoga mat I love pilates, strength training, cycling and my most recent hobby developed during lock-down is baking bread!

What do you hope to bring to our members?
A varied practice that they can use to compliment everything else that they do within the gym. An escape from a busy day and a way to connect with themselves as well as others.

Your top tip to destress at the moment?
Breathwork! If I’m feeling especially stressed I focus on my breathing, counting the length of the breath and working to extend the exhale by up to double the inhale.

What classes are you taking at The Virtual Mutha Ship?
The most recent class I took was restorative yoga with Lyndsey. Taking other peoples yoga classes is so important for me, I’m a student before I’m a teacher.

Join in with Jenny’s yoga class on a Tuesday night at 7:45 PM, book your spot here.