Strong Like A Mutha

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Supportive Tools for When You Are Bleeding

K so it’s your bleed week, and you’re feeling a bit rubbish, maybe you don’t love this week of your cycle, or maybe you want to but the pain and discomfort and general meh-ness of it make it really hard for you not to wish the days away.

Often a lack of education around our menstrual cycles compounded by the general conditioning that most of us have experienced which teaches us to suck it up and carry on when we are menstruating means that for most week 1 of the cycle is a time of dread.

I spoke all about what week 1 is and how to prepare for and navigate it in a previous blog I’ve also spoken about exercise when you are menstruating as you can see the menstrual cycle is one of my hyper focuses! But today I want to share with you the practical tools I find really useful to have to hand in the lead-up to and during my bleed week.

Just a heads up that I am neither a Dr. nor a nutritionist and the following are all little things I have found useful in my own experience and that of my clients and members, please always seek out a medical professional before making any changes to your supplements/nutrition routine and as always find what works for you.

1 - My menstrual cup and period pants

Actual game changers. I have very heavy periods. I have my whole life and whilst practising menstrual cycle awareness has helped me understand what affects my flow, it is still on the heavy side. Before I made the switch to reusable’s I was changing a super heavy tampon and a pad every 2-3 hours. I was miserable and I was always anxious when I was bleeding that I’d flood and need to change my clothes. Now that I use a menstrual cup I get 4-5 hours at least out of it, even on my heaviest days! I know- I can’t believe it either but it’s true. Mine does sometimes leak if I haven’t put it in correctly so I love a pair of period pants on day one to act as overspill. What I will say about both cups and period pants is that they require trial and error and you need to find the best fit for you. I tried Moon Cup at first and didn’t get on well, I found the cup itself was super bulky and although I need a big cup for my heavy flow, I found it painful to use. I also have a hypertonic pelvic floor which means that there is a lot of tension in that area of my body and a super firm cup was making that feel worse. Once I made the switch to Hey Girls I got on so much better. Plus they have a buy one donate one scheme which means that you can help end period poverty whilst also saving the planet!

A couple of tips when starting out with a cup:

  • Watch youtube tutorials on how to use it - if you’re a visual learner like me this helps a lot!

  • Try it out before you bleed - you don’t want to be fiddling around with a new cup when you are bleeding, it’s stressful and probably messy and can end up making you throw in the towel. Try it out when you can be relaxed and won’t have to worry about leaking if you haven’t put it in properly.

For period pants I again recommend Hey Girls - their pants fit well, are super comfy and super soft. If you are blessed with a juicy peach you might find that period pants come up small, I have to size up in all brands except Hey Girls. Modi-Bodi also does good ones which have lasted me a long time. I know that period pants can be expensive and I totally recognise that affordability comes with privilege but I do want to say that if sustainability and being friendly to the environment is your bag then be mindful of some of the cheaper brands, look into how they source and make their period pants and make sure they also aren’t using harmful chemicals that could wreak havoc on your vulva, vagina and hormones.

2 - CBD Bath Bomb

This is my treat to myself once per month. It’s called 4:20 and it’s from Lush and it is an actual lifesaver for me. I use it the night before my day 1 or on the evening of my first bleed day and it’s become a non-negotiable. CBD can act as both a muscle relaxant and an anti-inflammatory which means that it is super helpful for me when I’m bleeding and if my cramps are intense. As the owner of an incredibly busy business and a mum, I don’t always get the chance to manage my cycle the way I’d like to, this sometimes leads to a harder bleed experience and when that happens CBD really helps.

3- Magnesium spray

I use this for sleep because like so many people I can sometimes be cursed by that horrendous insomnia when I’m bleeding. Frustratingly I am so tired but I get to the evening and I sometimes cannot switch off. This is likely to do with the dip in progesterone that occurs when you menstruate, not only that but when you bleed your body temp can rise a whole degree which can also make it really tough to get a good nights kip. Magnesium is a really good sleep aid as it supports nerve transmitters between your body and your brain, encouraging your body to relax, your central nervous system to regulate and you to (hopefully) get a more restful sleep. I use a spray because this way it is better absorbed but be mindful - for some people it can be super itchy!

4- Ginger tea

Ginger is anti-inflammatory: it blocks excess prostaglandin formation (pro-inflammatory chemicals). Prostaglandins help the uterus contract during menstruation and shed its lining. Excessive prostaglandins have been linked to menstrual cramps and severe pain. Ginger can help reduce this. I always have a good stock of ginger tea handy when I’m bleeding to both comfort and soothe me :)

I hope you find those tools helpful, I’d love to know if there are some that work for you and please share your tips with me in the comments!