Strong Like A Mutha

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What is the story you are telling yourself?

“What’s the story you’re telling yourself?” is a life lesson I learned from Dr Brene Brown. If you haven’t read any of her books I’d highly recommend them all. 

This line has been such an incredible tool in my communications with myself and my loved ones. 

Whenever I am feeling hurt or I need to talk a situation through with someone I use it. 

E.g. “I’ve noticed that when I am speaking you interrupt me before I am finished. The story I am telling myself is that you don’t think my words are important.” 


  • Helps you take accountability for your feelings 

  • Disarms potential conflict because you are not accusing and putting the other person on the immediate defensive 

  • Makes it easier to open up previously difficult conversations

I recommend it to anyone who comes to me for advice about navigating a difficult conversation - and it works!