Strong Like A Mutha

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You Are Worthy Of Love

I want to share something with you that is deeply personal. You’ll know that my biggest limiting belief in life is that “I am not good enough”. One of the ways this shows up for me is that “I don’t deserve” some of the things in my life and one of those is love. When I am deep in these feelings, I am guilty of pushing the one person who loves me the most away - my husband. I notice that I don’t want to be held when I am upset and I don’t want him to hug me for too long. I even notice that I can default into sabotage if I feel as though he is offering love to me in ways that “I don’t deserve”. I can be mean, irritable and even angry toward him with little reason because deep down I believe that I am not good enough for this life we have, that ultimately I’ll lose it and, in some sort of effort to self-preserve, I sabotage it. 

“I deserve this love.”

“I am accepting of this love.”

One of the tools I have been using to help me overcome this is a really simple mantra. Whenever those thoughts appear I have been saying to myself either “I deserve this love” or “I accept this love”. This simple practice is offering so much healing. It’s shedding the layers of self-limiting belief and allowing me to realise that I don’t need that hardened barrier of self protection up. It’s healing my relationship and ultimately it’s reinforcing the belief that I am good enough, exactly as I am. 

Why am I sharing this? Because, yes, I have programs and offerings that are there to support you and, yes, I have healed from a lot of past trauma and toxic behaviours but ultimately, I am human and I still have shit I need to work through. I know that one of the most helpful things I can do as a coach is set that reminder that perfection does not exist - we all have our demons and that is more than ok.