Strong Like A Mutha

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You do not owe the world pretty

Just dropping in there to remind you that you do not owe the world a body that you need to sacrifice your mental health for. 

You do not owe the world pretty 

You do not owe an explanation for taking time for yourself 

You do not need to earn your rest 

You do not need to atone for what you eat 

You do not need to be in a perpetual state of youth to be seen, heard and loved 

You do not need to be thin to be worthy 

Your health is not determined by your size 

During the warmer weather pressure starts being piled on - please hold these words close and remember that you are SO much more than a body. You are a wonderfully unique, complex human being who is on this earth to LIVE a full and enjoyable life, not sacrifice everything for an unattainable standard that was set up in order to make the big cats richer. 

If you’re struggling and need some dopamine and joy check out our #weartheshorts campaign video below from last year, it hits the spot! 

Watch Wear the Shorts