Posts in Self love & Compassion
Supportive Tools for When You Are Bleeding

K so it’s your bleed week, you’re feeling a bit rubbish, maybe you don’t love this week of your cycle, or maybe you want to but the pain and discomfort and general meh-ness of it make it really hard for you not to wish the days away. Often a lack of education around our menstrual cycles compounded by the general conditioning that most of us have experienced which teaches us to suck it up and carry on when we are menstruating means that for most week 1 of the cycle is a time of dread.

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The lessons I have learned in year two of my journey with cold water… 

It’s been almost two years since I started my journey with cold water therapy and I am reflecting on the lessons I have learned, I shared my first-year learnings last year and today I’d love to share with you what I have learned since. From learning that I can do hard things and using my own voice to healing health-related anxiety and accepting myself for who I am!

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Things that might help when it feels like the world is burning

Monday Musings from the Mutha

Times are super tough right now and I just want to take a moment to recognise that. The world feels like it is on fire and I don’t know about you but everywhere I go, someone is talking to me about the cost of living crisis, asking me how I’m planning to save money, opening up about their fears and asking if I’ve heard this or that about the next energy price increase.

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Why you don't feel better even though lockdown is "over"

Well friends, the thing is - when something as colossal as a global pandemic or any sort of huge trauma happens, our bodies initiate what is known as survival mode. For most of us the past two years have been spent in fight or flight mode. We’ve been focusing solely on surviving and when we are doing that, we can’t take time to process what is happening. I’d love to share some things that help me in this testing time and hopefully will help you find some inner peace!

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