A gift from us to you during lockdown.


We understand at this time peoples motivation can be low and anxieties can be overwhelming. We have never experienced a pandemic like this in our lifetime, what is the best way to cope? Seen as there isn’t a handy how-to guide we can only but try our best.

A few things we are trying to do at team SLAM: Move a little each day, if we can get outdoors when the rain isn’t on, amazing, or if we lacking in motivation and just need a quick fix we enjoy the 15-minute HITT sessions lead by Lyndsey on Mondays and Wednesdays with our virtual gym. Watch comedies, have you binged the new series of Brooklyn 99 yet? Easy humour is a great way to turn your mood around. Keep in touch with our friends and family, we are so lucky to have the technology that we do today. We love a video call with the grandparents, to see our little ones light up and to see the smiles on our parent’s faces. That being said we are also trying to limit our time to social media. There is so much fake news around this pandemic that it can just fuel our fears and anxieties so we are trying to limit our time on these sites and watching the news.

It’s hard to be on top of everything at the best of times and a lot of us are now working from home with our kids running about under our feet, we often feel like we are failing when in reality we aren't, we are surviving the best we can in this scary unprecedented time. We know you are all doing an incredible job, wither you are being the badass mum or dad, the homeschool whiz, some of you might even be working on the front line. You are all killing it! So we wanted to give you all a little gift to help you relax and unwind. Allocate yourself 30 minutes (trust us, you will feel so much better for this!) lie down in a comfortable lying position: bed, yoga mat or sofa will do… and be ready to chill!

Our SLAM admin helper, Sarah, has recorded you a 30-minute Yoga Nidra. Sarah newly qualified is a 200hr yoga teacher and pre/postnatal yoga teacher. “I have been practising yoga for over 10 years now but only found Yoga Nidra about 3 years ago, and my god has it been a game changer! I love this practice. I am not great at stopping and allowing myself time to meditate and I find my head is so busy that I end up getting annoyed with myself and abandon it, Yoga Nidra takes that all away. You basically just lie there and tell yourself not to sleep and once you are finished you feel so relaxed and refreshed. The first time I practised it I felt I was walking on air for the rest of the day! I hope your members enjoy this and it helps them relax during the lockdown and beyond.”

Want to know a bit more about Yoga Nidra, then click here.

We hope you enjoy this as much as we do.