Should you exercise when pregnant?
Are you pregnant?
and confused about if you should exercise during your pregnancy or not?
That’s easy to answer, exercising during your pregnancy will allow you to be strong and better equipped so you can...
Support your changing body and mind
A properly planned strength training program will help you decrease the aches and pains that are common in pregnancy, it can also help with stress relief.
Maintain your strength as your baby grows
It’s no surprise that many people worry that they’ll develop back pain as their baby grows, but if done correctly, weight training can help you build and strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, meaning they will be better equipped to offer your bump more than enough support later on in the pregnancy.
Prepare yourself and your baby for the intense moments of labour and delivery
Research shows that people who exercise during pregnancy often have shorter labours, less chance of preterm labour, fewer complications and shorter hospital stays. Your body and your baby are going to go through extreme stress during labour and delivery. It may well be the toughest endurance test you will face. You should be training for this!
Help your post-pregnancy recovery process
Prenatal exercise helps to set you up for a faster postpartum recovery, this means you'll be feeling stronger in the gym, and in your rehab phase. But more importantly, in your new adventure of parenthood (which requires some heavy lifting at times)
Give your baby a helping hand
Studies show that exercising during your pregnancy gives baby stronger blood vessels, so their heart will be pre-programmed to resist cardiovascular problems later in life, not only this but their brains also appear to mature faster.
Prenatal Power
Now that you know the benefits, but you’re still confused about how and what to do while pregnant, we have created the perfect Pregnancy friendly exercise class and online platform to help you.
We can be with you through each stage of your pregnancy, with tailored advice and workouts, so you feel empowered and safe knowing you’re doing the best for baby and you.