The Art of Slowing Down


Hands up if you feel like you’re getting way more screen time, way less activity and if you have kids at home with you who are anything like mine then I fee you on the time to yourself being pretty much non existent. 

I’m all about the convenience right now, while I can’t dedicate the same blocks of time to myself, I can definitely take 5 minutes here and there and to make sure I’m successful at that, I do the following: 

Leave my yoga mat out so I can do a few sun salutations when I pass it 

Leave my pull up bar up so I can do drive by pull-ups when I’m doing things around the house. 

Put my earphones in and listen to a meditation or podcast whilst H is watching TV or playing on his own. 

Put my workout clothes on when I get up so that I feel ready to exercise. 

Leave my journal open by my bed so that I see it and am more likely to use 

Sometimes though i’m just too wired to do anything but scroll through my phone and at times like those,
I’ve been using this slow down meditation and I wanted to share it with you all. It’s great for when you’re feeling super wired, or just need a bit of time to check in with you. ⁣

I’d love to know what you think.

Lyndsey xx