Every Body is a Good Body!

The diet industry may have you thinking otherwise but I promise you that your wonderfully unique body is just as good as anyone else’s. It doesn’t need to look a certain way for it to be worthy. The route of your happiness is not through a smaller body. That contentedness you seek comes from finding acceptance and then love for your authentic self. 

Your body deserves to be your home, your safe space and no matter how much you change it, you will not feel better until you do the inner work. 

Some things that can help are: 

  • Curate your newsfeed
    Remove every account that makes you feel bad about yourself or lures you into diet culture BS

  • Prioritise self-care
    Start to make yourself a priority, do the things that make you feel good and do them often 

  • Neutralise your self talk
    Become aware of how you speak to yourself when you look in the mirror, what you think about when you see pictures of yourself after you’ve enjoyed a meal or taken time out of the gym and exercising to have a rest - stop those thoughts in their tracks and neutralise them, either with a grounding technique or an affirmation like my 'You are Enough' affirmation below.

Remember that diet culture and a lot of the fitness industry rely on you staying in that constant cycle of feeling bad enough about yourself to buy into their latest products. You can end that vicious cycle, it may seem overwhelming right now but I promise you that freedom exists. 

If you feel like you’re struggling - our inbox is always open if you need more support

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