It’s getting to that time of year isn’t it? Where all of the “new year, new you” BS marketing starts to come out of the woodwork and all of a sudden you find yourself pressured into signing up for some sort of extreme January workout regime and diet plan, all so that you can fit into that societally prescribed “ideal” … and then what happens? Maybe you stick to the plan for a while, and maybe you feel good for it, but sooner or later you find yourself falling “off the wagon” and so the cycle continues.
You know I want to change that narrative so here are my 2 (or 3) cents. Exercise is about so much more than weight loss and health is about so much more than how we look, that doesn’t however mean that you cannot track or acknowledge your progress, today I want to share with you 3 ways that you can measure your progress that aren’t based on how you look.
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