Guidance For the New Year

Hello Lovely ones, 

How is it time for a new year already? I know this time of year can feel triggering for some and particularly after the difficult few years we have had recently but I really do love a new year. I am one of those people who loves change and uncertainty so I see it as being on the precipice of lots of that and a chance to use those lessons (some of which I felt mama universe beat me over the head with!) in the upcoming 365 days!


I’ve always been a deeply spiritual person but over the past few years I’ve taken a deep dive into my menstrual cycle and how it affects all aspects of my life and that has led to an even deeper fascination with our connection not just to ourselves and each other but to the world around us and our enigmatic mama moon.

Last year I started a little tradition of pulling moon and star guidance cards to share with you all and I’d love to do that again- If they speak to you then roll with it, if they don’t that’s all good too. It really doesn’t matter whether you buy into it or not, all that matters is the power of affirmation and reflection and if that can bring support to your life right now then join me as I’m jumping in with both feet!

Card 1 - Fall Into My Arms

Surrender, Holding the opposites, Extremes of Life

So often we see things as either good or bad, when things go well we make it mean that we are being rewarded and when things are bad then perhaps we have done something wrong. However we are all here to expand and grow and it is through the extremes of life that we do exactly that. Welcome the highs and lows of the human experience and let them initiate you more fully into life. The agongy and the ecstacy, the beauty and the bitterness. Hand over your lonliness, worries, hurt, sorrow, fears, burdens and doubt and fall fully into the arms of your full complete, human existence. although extremes can be difficult they can also be magnificent. The more wildly the pendulum of your life swings, the more truthfully you can say “I’ve truly lived”

Questions to ask

How am I shying away from the extremes of life?

How can I embrace the dark and the light more fully?

Card 2 - Activated Earth

Ley Lines, Power Places, Trust where you are lead.

In Australian Aboriginal Culture song lines were the paths traveled by the creator beings as they made the land and sea during the Dreaming, these paths were recorded in traditional songs and dances of the people, allowing them to access information about the land’s history and to travel safely across great distances. Many believe that as we visit such sacred points on Earth, something is activated within us. Some also believe that by connecting with the land with devotion at these sacred places, something si activated within the planet too. As you connect with the Earth and honour her, your world opens more fully to you.

Questions to ask:

Am I being called to travel to a sacred place?

Do I need to tend to the land that I live on?

Where would I like my path to go next?

Card 3 - You Got the Love

Codependency, Boundaries

The message of this card is to review the ways in which you need to establish healthier boundaries. Perhaps you are in a co-dependent relationship in which you may be losing your sense of self. Perhaps there are relationships in your life where you give a lot more than you receive, or perhaps there is a certain volatility to some relationships and you are unsure where you stand. This card is a sign to do a relationship review and see what energetic arrangements you have made consciously or unconsciously. Acknowledge if there are relationships where you feel anxious or powerless, in which you don’t feel safe to relax and be just you. Assess if there is any place of inadequacy that you have used a relationship to cover up and soothe.

Questions to ask:

Do you lose yourself in relationships?

If so, how?

How can you develop a deeper love for yourself?

Where do you need to create stronger boundaries?

Is there a feeling of inadequacy within you that you are using relationships to soothe?

ooooh I am feeling some of that guidance!! Especially trusting the path and holding the extremes! I’d love to know if any of this resonates with you. Wishing you all lots of love, light and abundance in this new year ahead.