LGBTQ+ Stories - Stefanos Dimoulas

“LGBTQ+ joy is the exhilarating happiness of embracing my true self and finding acceptance within the community.”

Stefanos is a multi disciplinary dance creative, specialising in performance, choreography, movement direction and mentoring. Stefanos is a powerhouse of a human not only making huge waves in creative industries (hello first Greek artist to become a Forbes lister!) but continually standing up in activism to help forge a better, more inclusive world for all. We are truly proud to know Stefanos who is genuienly one of the most hilarious and beautiful souls I have ever have the pleasure of calling a friend and I’m honoured to invite you now to share in Stefanos pride and joy.

What would you love people to know about your experience as an LGBTQ+ person? 

I want people to understand that my experience as an LGBTQ+ individual has shaped me in profound ways, and if given the chance to start over, I would still choose to be born as a gay man. Throughout my journey of self-discovery, particularly in a country like Greece where acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community can be challenging, I have encountered numerous obstacles. However, these challenges have not only strengthened my character but also allowed me to grow personally and appreciate the incredible kindness and compassion that exists within people. The lessons I've learned and the love I've received from others have exceeded my wildest expectations, reminding me of the immense capacity for understanding and empathy that can be found in humanity.

We'd love to hear about your LGBTQ+ joy, what does that mean to you?

LGBTQ+ joy is the exhilarating happiness of embracing my true self and finding acceptance within the community. Attending a Pride parade, surrounded by love, support, and vibrant colors, is a prime example of this joy. It's a celebration of diversity, unity, and progress towards equality. LGBTQ+ joy reminds me of the freedom to be authentic and the power of collective happiness.

If you could see one thing changed in our world, what would it be? 

If I could witness one change in our world, it would be a shift away from societal pressure that perceives having families and being in relationships as the ultimate measure of success in life. It is crucial for individuals, especially women, to have the freedom to make choices about their future without feeling compelled by societal expectations. The notion that becoming a mother should be the ultimate goal needs to be dismantled, allowing people to pursue their own paths, ambitions, and personal fulfillment without judgment or imposition. Everyone should feel empowered to define their own happiness and find fulfillment in various aspects of life, irrespective of conforming to traditional norms.

When are you at your happiest? 

I find my greatest happiness when I achieve dance jobs that not only fulfill my aspirations but also grant me a sense of financial freedom. Pursuing a successful career is my ultimate life goal, as it allows me to use my art to touch people's lives, evoke emotions, and provide them with a reflection of themselves through my work.

When do you feel most alive? 

There is a distinct moment of vitality and aliveness that I experience when I gather with my family and dear friends on New Year's Eve. It is a time when we come together to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with open hearts and shared joy. The atmosphere during the time that instigates the start of a new year is infused with a palpable energy, an electric buzz that fills the air. The room resonates with laughter, heartfelt conversations, and the warmth of human connections.

I hope you enjoyed sharing Stefanos Pride and joy as much as I did, I’m leaving the editing of this blog with a huge smile on my face and forever grateful for the diverse and exciting world we live in, here’s to the day all humans are free to love and be loved as exactly who they are.

If you’d love to connect with Stefanos you can

Follow him on Instagram @stefanos_dimoulas

Check out his website