LGBTQ+ Stories

Saturday 15th of July marks Glasgow Pride, following month-long celebrations, events, and activism throughout June and July that support the LGBTQIA+ community and our collective fight for an equal world free from bigotry and hate.

Today's world remains one of fear and very real danger for our LGBTQ+ siblings, human rights are being overturned and denied what feels like daily and we continue to live in a world that is neither equal nor safe for all humans. 

We recognize the huge importance of advocacy and elevation of marginalized voices in order to make the world a better place for us all and this year we wanted to put together a campaign sharing voices from the LGBTQIA+ community, not just around their struggles but also celebrating queer joy and the right that each and every human has to feel proud of who they are.

We have put together blog posts sharing the pride and joy of the courageous, strong, and beautiful humans who reached out to us and we would love it if you take the time to read them and share them with the wider world. These stories are honest, raw, and touching and we are incredibly grateful to the wonderful humans who have shared them.


Stefanos Dimoulas


‘My experience as an LGBTQ+ individual has shaped me in profound ways, and if given the chance to start over, I would still choose to be born as a gay man’


Diane Jones


‘My LGBTQIA+ joy means authentically expressing yourself exactly how you want and being unapologetic about it.’


Lyndsey Roberts


‘My world opened up when I removed the cage from around my heart and allowed myself to show up as exactly who I am. I have never felt more proud to be me.’