Self Love Poem by Diane Jones

This Monday we’re sharing with you a poem written by the wonderful Diane, many of you will know her from her incredible @coachingwithdiane and if you’ve been involved with our #weartheshorts campaign or our retreat earlier in the month.

I wish I could say I’ve always loved myself;

this isn’t the case.

Ever since I was little, I judged myself, berated myself, couldn’t even look at my own face.

I didn't know how to deal with the big feelings and love was all I craved.

If I could turn back time, I’d give all the love to myself.

I’d hug that little girl.

That was too self-conscious to speak up, to join in, to dance, to twirl.

She’d wait for no one to be there, in the safety of her cocoon.

Where all she thought of the outside world was being judged and looking like a loon.

I ate excessively to make me feel some sort of relief.

I now realise I had in fact taken on my ancestors' beliefs.

The outside world had told me, I am not good enough as I am.

You’re too fat Diane,

Try lose some weight if you can.

Ok, I thought. I have a plan...

Starting in Jan-uary...

I am shedding half of me.

To become worthy

and finally

be accepted and successfully

feel like I belong.

Oh, how I was wrong.

I lost weight from a place of loathing me.

Which meant I was only hurting me.

By putting my worthiness totally,

on my external world in its entirety.

My stomach rolls, I’d pinch them.

The scars on my face, from picking them.

My stretch marks, I hated them.

There’s got to be a better way.

A healthier way.

A more loving way,

A gentler way.

A healing way,

Please... I pray.

I don't know where this voice came from but it said

Diane, you need to get out of your head.

Connect with your body and take it day by day,

Take it one step at a time.

Heal your inner child and tell her she will be just fine.

Tell her she’s always had what it takes to shine.

It’s time to strip back society’s grime.

Of not feeling enough.

Not being enough.

It was all a bluff.

I am in fact enough.

More than enough.

And even though the journey has been tough,

It’s made me who I am.

Here I stand,

I am so proud to be at peace

and ease

with my body and soul.

So, a little message for you to take with you today;

You are enough exactly as you are and your body thanks you every day.