Weight gain hits us hard - but why?

Because, the toxicity of diet culture tells us that it’s wrong to get bigger, no matter what the cost. It teaches us from an incredibly young age to be consumed with being small. So we begin to believe that our worth is determined by how we look, but when we don’t fit that mould, what happens? We can feel worthless.

It’s all lies.

Those beliefs are born from an industry that thrives on us feeling worthless enough that we’ll continually buy into it. A system that relies on us being so consumed by how we look that we won’t have time to question the oppression we’re subjected to on a daily basis.

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When I couldn’t fasten these shorts, I faced those demons once again and I’m not ashamed to admit I cried. When the button wouldn’t fasten I was triggered and the irony is in the second picture I felt really in love with myself. I felt so comfortable and finally at peace with my body - until I put on a pair of shorts that fit a year before and then didn’t....

In that moment I let diet culture dictate how I *should* feel, I lost touch with myself and I disregarded my own reality to buy into this bullsh*t.

I shared my reality in my Instagram stories and the overwhelming response was “me too”. There are just so many of us out there feeling the same, yet I bet we all look at each other and compare and despair.

If you’re reading this and having a similar experience I want you to know that your worth is not dictated by the size and shape of your body, and it’s perfectly natural for your weight to fluctuate - I’ve been an athlete my whole life, and mine does.

You are WORTHY no matter what you weigh!

You are so much more than that - you are a wonderfully unique, complex human being who has way more to contribute to this world than the way the vessel you were born in looks.

If you’re in that pit I see you, and I’ve put some helpful tips on my Instagram stories and have saved them in my body happy highlight.

As always, we love to hear what you think so please leave us a comment below <3