Don't Compare Your Real to Their Highlight Reel!

This is your kind reminder that Social Media isn't real life and that health and happiness cannot be determined by the size and shape of our bodies.

When you’re scrolling and wondering…

Why don't you look that way?
Why don't you have that life?
Why isn't your house tidy?
Why don't you have that many followers?
Why you’re not that parent??

Stop and remind yourself that what you see on your feed and page is another person's highlight reel, and very often isn’t what they are truly feeling at the time.

I want to take this opportunity to remind you that these photos have no way of showing you what that person is really going through. We have no idea, just by looking at someone, what their experience is and whether they are truly happy just because they are thin/pretty/smiling. [delete as appropriate]

Lyndsey Roberts comparison pic.png

Looking back at this picture of myself from 2018, even I thought "I was so happy and healthy then"


I was chronically stressed, in constant pain, obsessing over food and exercise, competitive, jealous, resentful, irritable... I had zero sex drive and I was starting to lose my period...

But you don't see any of that in a photo.

So take this from me, take the time to put your phone down more and embrace your real life, it really is wonderful, and so are you <3