What the World Needs Now

6 years ago I had a vision that I’d create a business that supported pre and postnatal people. I had no money, I’d just had a baby and it was a complete career change. 

Everything about my situation was risky, and had I listened to the “sensible” voices or my self doubt and perfectionism which told me to “wait until I was ready” I would never have gotten started. 

I believed in what I had to share with the world and I went for it. 

2 years later I expanded my staff

6 months later I moved into my own gym

3 years after I started SLAM I had a vision that I’d have a team of staff, a reputable brand and I’d be providing education and support for other coaches and businesses to do what we do. 

That same year there was a global pandemic. To hire more staff and start expanding was a massive risk. It terrified me and many times I wanted to play small, shut everything down, and keep my money safe in the bank. 

If I’d asked for permission - everyone would have said “Don’t do it!” but I know that my beautiful unapologetic life requires me to take risks and go for what I want and so I did. 

And here we are 3 years since the pandemic began I have learned a LOT of lessons, the hard way, I have thought about (and been told to) throw in the towel many many times but there is something so special about SLAM and what we (that’s me, my team, past and present and our amazing community near and far) have created, I know that in my heart and that keeps me going. The reality is that despite it all I am resilient, and we adapt and pivot when we need to in order to keep this ship afloat. These days I have an incredible team who are loved by our community and I am no longer so strangled by my workload that I cannot live my life, despite it all - my vision and goals are being realised. 

Has it been easy? Nope 

Have I had many tantrums and screams of “I can’t do this anymore”?? YES 

But it has been worth it and the next chapter looks even more exciting and that’s partly because I went for it, without asking permission. 

So if you’re reading this and you’ve been playing small because you don’t believe you are good enough…

If it’s what you really want, it’ll be worth it and you’ll pave the way for your sisters to do the same.