5 Morning Tips for a Better Day

Hello lovely ones!

Ugh the winter is tough isn’t it? I don’t know about you but I find the dark so challenging. It’s at this time of year I always up my self care and one of the things that really supports me is sticking to a morning routine. 

I really would love to get up with the light but since it’s not light till 8am that’s a bit challenging for me so here are a couple of morning tips that I find useful and supportive of my mental health at this time of year. 

Get up at the same time, daily! 

Getting up at the same time is majorly supportive of your circadian rhythm and central nervous system regulation, which means that you’ll feel better and sleep better! I’m a big advocate of a daylight lamp which will create light in your room similar to that of the sunrise - making it way easier to get up even if it’s pitch black outside! 


1 minute - that is all you need. Avoid reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up and take 1 minute to write down what you are grateful for today, or any practice that works for you. Instead of spending the first moments after you open your eyes scrolling through everyone else’s lives you’ll feel way better after starting your day with a practice that shows how important YOU are. 

Herbal tea 

I really love herbal tea and starting my morning with a ritual cup of tea let’s me be fully present with myself before I have to look after anyone else. You can do it with coffee or whatever drink you like, but make it special. It’ll take you 2 minutes and no matter what happens in your day you can hold on to the fact that you got at least 2 minutes for you. 

Drink water 

Hydrate. Always. You’ll feel better ❤️‍🩹 

Get outside

Especially in the winter, if you can, get outside. Even for a few minutes, it’ll help you soak up some much needed vitamin D and it’ll ground you before you start your day. If you live in a flat or can’t get outside, sit near your window with your cup of tea.

Are you a fan of the morning routine? I’d love to know what features on yours or if you’re planning on trying any of these out?