So, You Want To Start Your Own Business?

I wanted to share this with you because I recognise that the pandemic has brought about many, many reasons why folks might no longer feel happy in their current careers. I’ve been running businesses since I was 16 years old and I have learned A LOT in that time (mostly the hard way) so if you’re keen to step out on your own or maybe you want to get a side hustle off the ground then have a read of these tips! 

Do your research.

Find out as much as you can about the market you want to get into, who are your competitors? What’s the market like? Is there space in it? 

Figure out the problem you’re solving for people.

Vision board, journal, meditate. Write it all down and get super super clear on it, if you’re clear on what you are selling - your customers will be too and you’ll be way more successful. 

Avoid comparison-itis 

It’s great to take inspiration from other businesses but do not get sucked into a hole of comparing, all that does is take your focus away from your own space. Plus, social media is a highlight reel and it’s likely that your perception of someone else success is not the reality.

Something I say to all my students is - don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. We live in a world that teaches us we must have everything right now and that makes it easy to forget that building a business takes time and patience, it’s a marathon not a sprint.

Be consistent 

It takes effort & commitment. If you don’t put the work in, you won’t get anything back out. Remember that when what you see of a successful business is only the tip of the iceberg. It might look amazing now, but you don’t see the blood sweat and tears it took to get to that place. There’s a reason why most businesses don’t make it past their first 2 years - it’s hard work, and you’ve got to be willing to do it! If you’re building something you love and put the effort and commitment in - it is SO worth it. 

Be patient 

I know I’ve said it already but it’s going to take time, if you’re looking at other businesses you’re likely comparing your start to their middle, which can give you a case of “what’s the point?” Leading to doing nothing, which will never get you closer to your goal. Stay in your lane, trust the process and your dreams will come with time. 

Get Support

I’m super passionate about supporting other people in business so if you’re reading this and feel called to take those next steps in starting or scaling your business then I have 1 space left on my 1-2-1 mentorship program. This is a fully bespoke journey with me, over a 12 month period and this year I am also adding a group element! 

If you’d love the slot you can apply here: