Posts in SLAM Specific
SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: Inspiring Stories of Strength

Today, we're embracing the incredible power of community and support! We are celebrating the inspiring women, including some well-known figures, who've found strength in unity. The SLAM Revolution is in full swing, and we're inviting you to be a part of this empowering movement. As the great Maya Angelou once said, "We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter their color." When women come together, we weave a beautiful tapestry of inspiration and empowerment. We inspire each other to reach new heights, cheering for every step of the journey.

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Strong Girls Club

We are so excited to be bringing a brand new offering to Strong Like a Mutha!

Strong Girls Club is a coach lead and peer-support exercise and wellbeing program for girls and young women aged 13-16 by Strong Like a Mutha.

Our vision with Strong Girls Club is to empower a generation of young girls to know that they are worthy exactly as they are and to find body confidence and happiness regardless of their weight, shape or body size.

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Reflections & Highlights

We’d love to invite you to take a look back at some of the highlights from SLAM this year and the epic things we have been part of - from international women’s day to encouraging you all to ditch the diet culture BS and #weartheshorts it’s been a really awesome year despite the challenges so join us for some sweet nostalgia! 

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Lyndsey's Big Mission

For this weeks Monday Musings we want to share an interview with our Founder Lyndsey Roberts, Lyndsey started SLAM in 2016 after the birth of her son. During her pregnancy and early postnatal period she felt incredibly let down by the fitness industry and went in search of something more inclusive and supportive of her needs. When she couldn’t find it, she decided to create it! Fast forward 7 years and she is now the creator of Scotland’s go-to company for pre and postnatal education and women’s well-being, has a global client base and is on a mission to challenge and change the fitness industry from the inside!

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How To Build a Healthy Relationship with Exercise and Commit To It!

I feel like this year is especially bad as the fitness industry seems to now be dressing up toxic messaging with wellness buzzwords - I’m seeing lots of “intuitive dieting” and even fat loss competitions advertised as “body confidence” courses. I honestly didn’t think things could get worse but this is pretty sickening.

A diet by its very nature cannot be intuitive when it relies on restriction in order to work and when someone says they will lead you to body confidence by helping you to lose weight I would seriously encourage you to run far away from that BS. Body confidence relies on a LOT of inner work.

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