Self Love Practice / Gift

All of you - is welcome here.

I want to part of a future where the perception of our health isn’t determined by the size and shape of our body, and where our self worth isn’t fed by diet culture, where each and every person is able to show up authentically and is empowered to love and accept all sides of themselves.

On Valentines Day it's so easy to express love and gratitude to others but how often do we extend that to ourselves? 

It can be a really triggering time of year and especially right now when the world feels upside down.

If the past few years have taught us anything it's the importance of making ourselves a priority and this year, I want to invite you to cultivate love and kindness toward the one person you will spend the most time with - YOU!

Your Journey.


Take some time to set up a beautiful space for you, anywhere that feels good, light a candle, surround yourself in your favourite things, lovely smells, pull out all of the stops and make sure you have a journal and pen nearby

Guided meditation 

Then follow this guided meditation  which will take you on a journey of love and kindness toward your body. 

Write a letter 

You'll then be guided to write a love letter to yourself - expressing gratitude and recognizing all of the wonderfulness you bring to the world. 

Please take this time to celebrate you today, you deserve all of the love in the world and you deserve to feel at home in your wonderful body. 

I would love to hear about your experience, the comments are below for you to share.