
Hello lovely ones! 

This Monday I want to chat to you about a bit of a triggering topic. You might not love hearing about this one as it requires taking a long, honest look at yourself and a toxic trait most of us might feel ashamed of. Before I get into it I want you to know that I share this with love, there is never, ever any judgment here, but I truly believe that if more people faced up to this emotion there’d be a lot more reflection, growth and connection. There’d also be a lot less action taken as a result of feeling it. 

If you haven’t guessed already, what I want to talk about is envy… You know that sneaky wee green-eyed monster that appears every now and then - maybe more so these days now that we have so much more access to each other’s lives. 

I talked about this in my “The magic that happens when women come together” blog but today I want to share some tools that can help you reflect and work through these feelings. 

If someone’s presence makes you feel insecure or brings out an ugly jealousness in you - you might find that your inner child is screaming to be cared for and nurtured. I’d love to share some tips with you on how to tend to them. 

Practice Self-love

Build a stronger relationship with you, for you and work on what it is you feel you are lacking. 

Stoke Your Own Fire

Figure out what lights the fire in your belly and do more of that. Becoming more secure in what makes you brilliant dissipates jealousy and insecurity. 

Reach Out to Them

Give that person time and space for you to really get to know them rather than your assumption of them. If they offer mentorship or training - buy into it, put your insecurities to rest by furthering your knowledge and education and taking an interest in how that person got to the place that you’re feeling resentful of. 

Take Action

Write down your ideal life, schedule, your dreams - unedited and unfiltered by what you feel you should be doing or have to do. Then start to work out how you’re going to take steps toward living YOUR best life. 

Keep Your Focus On You

Notice when these feelings are coming up - recognise them as thoughts and feelings and not the reality. If social media is the culprit - take a break and do something real, for you, in the real world. Don’t let your ice cream melt whilst focusing on someone else’s sprinkles.

I could write a book on how to do each of those things, but I only have a limited word count 😂 What I will say though, is that accepting, recognising and understanding what’s coming up for you is the first step to releasing jealousy and resentment toward others. You might not make it go away forever, but what you can do is equip yourself with the tools to support you when it does come up again and ultimately forge a happier, more connected and inspired life ❤️❤️ 

As always I’d love to hear from you and know if this helps.